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Ubuntu Keyboard Short-cuts

Workspace Management

Win E => Shows all workspaces in a nifty way and lets you switch between workspaces easily.

Alt Ctrl [Left/Right Arrow] => Move to Workspace on Left/Right

Alt Ctrl Shift [Left/Right Arrow] => Move current window/application to another workspace

Window Management

Alt F4 => Closes the window.

Alt F5 => UnMaximizes Current Window (or Returns a window to previous or normal size.)

Alt F9 => Minimize current window

Alt F10 => Maximize/UnMaximizes current window

Ctrl Alt D => Show Desktop/ Restore open windows if show desktop used earlier

Nautilus (Nautilus is the default GNOME file manager window that you use in your GUI to view files and folders.)

F9 => Show/hide the side pane.

Ctrl + => Zoom in.

Ctrl - => Zoom out.

Ctrl 0 => Normal size.

Ctrl [1/2] => Change folder view to icon/list.

Ctrl H => Show/hide hidden files

Ctrl L => Show/hide the location bar

Ctrl R => Reload the Nautilus window

Ctrl W => Close the current working Nautilus window

Ctrl T => Open a new tab in Nautilus

Ctrl Shift W => close all open Nautilus Windows

Alt [Up Arrow] => Open parent folder

Alt [Left Arrow] => Move back one folder

Alt [Right Arrow] => Move forward one folder

Alt Home => Return to your home directory (~/).

Alt Enter => Show properties of a selected file/folder without requiring to right click on it and select Properties.


Win Space => Opens up "GNOME Do" where you can key in the first couple of alphabets of the application name that which you would want to open up.

Ctrl Alt L => Quick shortcut to Lock Screen if you need to be away from your desktop for few moments and don’t want others to see your desktop.

Alt F1 => This will open up the Applications menu on the GNOME desktop. Once open you can use your arrow keys on your number pad.

Alt F2 => Open the Run Application dialog Box

If you can think of some more cool key-board shortcuts that helps in day to day affairs which I have missed, I would be thankful to learn it all from your comments to this post :)

Books I recommend:
If you are a Ubuntu noob, then you may get started easy with Ubuntu for Non-Geeks: A Pain-Free, Get-Things-Done Guide

But, the book Ubuntu Linux Bible: Featuring Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is an any time reference.

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